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12th Oct, 2023, Graham Norris

The Competitions

We enter two leagues: the North-West London Cross-Country League (NWL) and Metropolitan Cross Country League (Met League). NWL is for Young Athletes only and is a good entry into club cross-country while the Met League, which caters for all age groups, is the larger and stronger league. Entry is through the club (no charges to individual athletes) and there is no restriction on numbers, so if your child wants to run, they or you can just let one of the team managers know, Chris or Manish.  They will be happy to answer questions about what’s involved.

In addition to the leagues there are also County, Regional and National competitions.  For cross-country these are also entered as teams rather than as individuals, so the club also deals with entry.

All Club related fixtures appear on the Fixtures section of the club website.

Getting There

Most people find it more convenient to make their own transport arrangements, so we don’t arrange transport through the club.  However, if transport is a barrier to your child’s participation, please talk to Chris, Manish or Sinead.

Location instructions will be shared before each event by the team manager. The Met league has clear mapping on their web-site, but the NWL web-site is less helpful in this respect.  All locations will have car parking, but these can get crowded and there may be a charge for parking, so lift sharing is always good.

Plan to arrive with plenty of time to spare because there may be quite a walk from the carpark to the start area, and runners need to report to the team manager to be registered and receive their number.  Early arrivals can also get a feel for the course.

During the Fixture

We don’t always have the gazebo, so an umbrella may be an astute addition.  If you tire easily, one of those little fold-up camping stools might also be helpful.  Locations vary, but some do not have refreshments for sale close by.  There will be a changing area and toilets in the vicinity.  The events are licensed and will be conducted by qualified officials, have first aiders present, and marshals will be positioned around the course. You can stand near the start/finish or find a good position along the course from which to cheer the children on.

And Afterwards

After an exhilarating and health promoting day, well, there’s often quite a bit of mud to deal with…