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5th Oct, 2023, Chris Bailey

Very disappointing day at North West London XC League.  After all messages from Manish and me only 25 youngsters 10 girls and 15 boys.

U11 Girls 6th
U13 Girls 7th
U15 Girls 6th
U17 Girls 1st
U11 Boys 4th
U13 Boys 8th
U15 Boys 3rd without their best runner
U17 Boys 2nd (only 2 points from winning)

Best Individual performances Sonny Allen 2nd and Alex Mulvihill 3rd in their races.  Encouraging runs from Luke Tomlinson, 5th, and Alex Pettican, 8th.

I have until Sunday to enter teams for South of England XC relays at Wormwood Scrubs on 21st October and as it's at start of half term I plan to only enter U17 boys and girls and possibly U15 Boys.
Our other age groups are not strong enough to take part and with half term feel a lot of athletes will be away. Can you promote in U15 Boys U17 Girls and boys and let me know names and EA numbers by Friday please.  It is only U13 and above.

I feel very deflated and don't think the work I have to do for entries and team management before and on the day is worth it any more. Seriously thinking of stepping down and letting someone else take over.

Up the Young Gate.