The Responsible Parent / Person with Parental Responsibility Code of Conduct
As a responsible parent/person with parental responsibility you will:
- Check out the people who are coaching or managing your child
- Not place undue pressure on children to perform, participate or compete
- Assume responsibility for the safe transportation of your children to and from events and training activities
- Take an active interest in your child's participation
- Attend training and competitions whenever possible
- Ensure that your child does not take unnecessary valuable items to training or competition
- Know exactly where your child will be at all times and who they are with
- Return a written informed consent form to the Club/Team Manager/Chaperone, including next of kin details, health and medical requirements, before your child goes to any 'away' events
- Inform your child's coach of any illness or disability that needs to be taken into consideration for athletic performance
- Provide any necessary medication that your child needs for the duration of any trips
- Report any concerns you have about your child's welfare / treatment to the club / regional / national welfare officer (this does not affect your rights to notify the social services department or police if you feel a crime has been committed
- Never make assumptions about your child's safety